Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Six Business Lessons I Learned from My Dad, J.D. Power

Jamey Power, son of J.D. Power, shares the values and sense of purpose he learned working with his father.

Skills for Effectively Coaching a Virtual Team

As with in-person teams, successful virtual teams are all about effective working relationships, clear communication, interpersonal dynamics, compatible skills and other factors. But when team members are geographically separated by hundreds or even thousands of miles, how can you be sure goals and

So... What Does A Manager Actually Do?

“It has become popular to talk about us being over-managed and under-led. I believe we are now over-led and under-managed.” — Henry Mintzberg, Simply Managing: What Managers Do — and Can Do Better (Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2013).

10 "Social Media Made Easy" Steps

Ten easy ways to get started using social media to promote your business.

Sparking Innovation

A new AMA/HRI survey shows that companies value innovation. The problem is that they're not very good at it. Nearly half of the survey respondents said they "do not have a clear understanding as to how my company can become more innovative."

Stimulate Creative Thinking to Make Innovation a Reality

While innovation has always been the purview of R&D, an increasing number of companies expect professionals in all roles and at all levels to innovate. Many professionals say, “Innovate? My brain has been trained to do the opposite.

Strategies for Controlling a Meeting Nemesis

These strategies from AMA’s seminar “Leading Effective Meetings” will help control a meeting.

Stress Management and Mindfulness in the Workplace

Mindfulness is the art of living in the moment. The idea dates back millennia, but only recently has been promoted as a valuable workplace practice.

Struggling to Manage Knowledge Workers

Peter Drucker wrote about "knowledge workers"-people who know more about their jobs than anyone else in the organization-way back in 1969. Here's an overview of how today's organizations are motivating these valuable workers....

Support a Respectful Workplace with the “Platinum Rule

For children, adhering to the “Golden Rule” that advises one to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a decision made for strictly practical reasons.