Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Anne Bahr Thompson on Brand Citizenship

Customers these look to brands to solve their own personal problems and also work towards solving wider global concerns: they want the paper towels that will clean up messes in the kitchen and also made sustainably so they don't destroy the environment. Anne Bahr Thompson , author of Do Good: Embrac

Anne Marie Knott on Measuring Your Company's IQ

We know people can be measured on a scale on intelligence, but what if we could do the same for businesses? Our guest Anne Marie Knott has done just that. She's here to talk about her RQ scale and how she uses it to measure the innovation output for companies worldwide.

Ann Rhoades on Revolutionizing Company Culture

Human resource maven Ann Rhoades believes that a company’s outward culture is a direct reflection of its internal character, its people. In recent years employees and employers have had a rough time navigating and maintaining emotional and operational roles. Rhoades shares the principles she’s devel

Annette Simmons on Telling the Best Story

Want to be remembered? Become a great storyteller and you'll be unforgettable. It's actually easier than it sounds, with great tips for finding the storyteller in yourself in the newly revised edition of Annette Simmons ' classic Whoever Tells the Best Story Wins .

Annie McKee on Becoming a Resonant Leader

Exceptional leaders capture passion. They lead for real: from the heart, smart and focused on the future, and with a commitment to being their very best. A new book, Becoming a Resonant Leader , by Annie McKee , Richard Boyatzis and Frances Johnston, talks about the concept of leadership resonance.

Another Writing Tip

Learn how to use punctuation. The wrong comma, hypthen, etc., can distract your reader who won't get your message.

Answers to Collegial Conflicts

Problems between colleagues can be due to anything from mixed messages to personality differences, to real and not-so-real (like political or turf) dilemmas. Here are some solutions to such problems. Better yet, AMA offers ways to avoid these...

Answers to Personality Conflicts

Learn how to handle personality conflicts

Anticipate, Focus, Execute

Learn from a turnaround CEO how to turn around a business.

Anything You Can Do…

A light-hearted article about the talents needed to be a successful administrative assistant.