Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Victor Prince on Walking The Camino Way

The Camino Way is a trail across Spain that take a dedicated hiker a month of 15 miles days to traverse. As Victor Prince walked the trail he reflected on his life, both at home and at work, and came away with seven leadership lessons inspired by his journey. He shares these lessons on our podcast t

Viking Laws and the Art of Managing a Business

Four Viking laws helped to start a beverage business in Romania.

Vineet Nayar on Achieving Success by Putting Employees First, Customers Second

Nelson Mandella, Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. They all had something in common: the ability to inspire people and make them want to change. Vineet Nayar looks to them as an example of how to effectively manage a company, by inspiring and listening to the employees and making them the prior

Virtual Management Provides Tangible Results

An effective manager needs to acknowledge the challenges and methodology unique to managing virtual teamwork.

Virtual Teams Are a "Virtual Reality" for Businesses

While managing remote employees presents unique challenges, today’s organizations must meet those challenges to survive in our global economy.

Using the Right Metrics to Measure the Customer Experience—and Predict the Future

Metrics that measure customer experience and predict the impact on the bottom line track the following criteria: credibility, reliability, precision, accuracy, and continued sales. So customer experience analytics enable a company to improve customer experience and ultimately corporate profitability

Voices from the Front: On Leadership

Senior executives may get all the praise and glory, but mid-level leaders are the heart and soul of organizational success. No group knows more about the nuts-and-bolts of what it means to be a leader. How do they define leadership? What challenges do...

Voices from the Front: On Mentoring

What makes a good mentor? Does mentoring still play an important role in today's corporate world? What impact do mentors have on an individual's career? We asked a panel composed of members of the AMA community to share their thoughts on this and...

Voices from the Front: On Silos

In one of the literal definitions of the word, a silo is a structure used to store and launch missiles. That definition can also apply to the term as it's used to describe the organizational structures that act as barriers between departments, since...