Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Should Your Office Manager Also Handle HR Duties?

An office manager who also covers HR might be considered multitalented. But if the person isn't properly trained, you could be in for some big problems. Here are some criteria that will help you decide....

Signs of an Executive in Crisis

The telltale signs of an executive who is caught in a crisis are clear, once you learn to recognize them. Psychologist and executive coach Alan Downs outlines the eight key indicators of serious problems-including lack of focus, giving in to impulse,...

Shoya Zichy on the Power of Personality

Shoya Zichy , author of Personality Power , discusses the Color Q system, a personality identification system that can be used in your personal and professional life. The Color Q system is used to determine the needs, values, and special talent of each of the four temperament groups, and what strate

Simple, Direct and Often

Communication that is too late or too little can derail leadership from a plan of action that can significantly impact the bottom line. On the other hand, a well-organized communication process throughout an organization can ensure successful...

6 Key Benefits of a Bottom-Rung Job

Everybody's got to start somewhere. The author of Everything I Know About Business I Learned at McDonald's explains what Jay Leno, Sharon Stone, and Jeff Bezos already know: a low-level job can teach you a lot....

Six Business Lessons I Learned from My Dad, J.D. Power

Jamey Power, son of J.D. Power, shares the values and sense of purpose he learned working with his father.

Six business Tis

Here's advice for smaller businesses about surviving the recession.

Six Key Questions in Strategic Planning

Here are six key questions you need to ask as you enter into strategic planning.

Six Steps for Taking Control of Your Time

Your time is valuable but also finite—and even in the best of circumstances, managing your work and your life so that everything gets done without excessive stress is a big challenge. In fact, most of us spend the better part of our lives trying to find better ways to do just that

Six Strategies to Recession Proof Your Job and Career

Increasing your soft skills savvy will help you demonstrate your value during a soft economy.