Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Survey Finds Continued Worker Discontent

Survey shows high worker discontent.

Survey Says: It's All About the Follow-up

Employee surveys are useless without effective follow up.

Survey Shows UK Job Satisfaction and Commitment on the Decline

A recent survey of 1,100 UK workers by Mercer Human Resource Consulting shows that only 64% of respondents are satisfied with their jobs, down 10% since three years ago....

Susan Mason Shares Best Practices on Virtual Presentations

Continuing its Ask the Experts Online Virtual Communication series, AMA hosted How to Effectively Present Virtually during its September 30 webcast.

Susan Reed on the Power of Corporate Diversity

In the age of increasing globalization, corporate diversity in America remains relevant. Studies have shown that companies with greater diversity at the executive level outperform their competitors. In this episode of Edgewise, Susan Reed , author of The Diversity Index , explains ways employers are

Susan Shearouse on the Upside of Conflict

Whether personal or professional, conflict is inevitable. In her book Conflict 101: A Manager's Guide to Resolving Problems So Everyone Can Get Back to Work " (AMACOM) Susan Shearouse, with 20 years of experience in mitigating disagreements as a conflict resolution strategist, discusses the importan

Susan Wilson Solovic on Building a Million Dollar Business

As the head of the highly successful Website Small Business Television , Susan Wilson Solovic is an authority on making money and building a thriving business. In her book, The Girls' Guide to Building a Million-Dollar Business (AMACOM Books), Solovic shows women that they not only do theyhave

Sustainability 101: How Taking a Short View Can Leave You Short-changed

In today’s fast-moving world, investors, directors, and shareholders often expect significant results practically overnight. Sander Flaum explores the benefits of a longer-term perspective, where doing the right thing will lead to a positive return—eventually.

Sustainability: Evaluating Your Organization

Here's a checklist you can use to improve your organization’s sustainability.

Suzanne Bates on the Science of Executive Presence

Suzanne Bates, author of All the Leader You Can Be, is here to give us a definition of "executive presence." It's something we all want but it's hard to quantify. Suzanne is here with data to back up just what we should be working on to be the best leader we can be.