Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Making Collaboration Work

How organizations can move toward a more collaborative work environment.

Making the Most of Change

Why is dealing with change so difficult? Because, says management expert Brian Tracy, most change causes stress by making us feel out of control. His four-step program will put the power back in your hands....

Management Tips from 007

While martinis (whether shaken or stirred) are no longer appropriate during the work day, we can learn a thing or two from intrepid Secret Agent Bond, James Bond. After all, in film after film, 007 gets the job done.

Meet Barbara Cameron, 2011 Administrative Professionals Innovation Award Winner

A lot of people look around their workplace or community, notice a need, and think, “Gee, somebody should do something about that.” Barbara Cameron, an administrative assistant at Capital One, didn’t sit around and wait. She stepped up and took action, developing “Admin U,” a training initiative to

Meet Julie Irving, 2009 Administrative Professionals Innovation Award Winner

A background piece about Julie Irving, AMA's 2009 Innovation Award for Administrative Professionals winner.

Meet Lucia “Cia” Sherman, 2013 Administrative Professionals Innovation Award Winner

How Lucia Sherman created a popular company-wide newsletter and won the 2013 AMA Administrative Professionals Innovation Award.

Meet Melanie France, 2010 Administrative Professionals Innovation Award Winner

An interview with Melanie France, winner of the 2010 AMA Administrative Professionals Innovation Award

Meet Raquel Hernandez, 2012 Administrative Professionals Innovation Award Winner

Raquel Hernandez, an executive assistant at University Health System, is the winner of the 2012 AMA Administrative Professionals Innovation Award.

Minor Changes Can Lead to Major Improvements

Something as simple as changing the layout of an order sheet can lead to tens of millions of dollars in incremental profit. Find out how one company gave its performance a big boost by making small changes....

Motto for the 21st Century: What's Mine Is Yours

While you may not be familiar with the term “Collaborative Consumption,” if you’ve used a Zipcar, set up a queue on Netflix, or even borrowed a book from the local library, you’ve been a participant. The authors of a fascinating new book, What’s Mine Is Yours, explore the 21st century business model