Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


How to Turn Your Company into an Innovation Machine

Innovation tips from Terry Jones, founder of Travelocity and

I Object! Four Steps to Handling Objections

Advice for managers for dealing with objections and dissent so that people can move forward to get work done.

I'm a Manager, and So Can You

Being a good manager isn't all that different from being a good person.

Reduce employee turnover with these retention strategies - AMA

As companies focus their attention on employee retention, their strategies often include the creation of a “retention environment.” This environment aids in improving employee retention, reducing employee turnover, and boosting overall morale.

Improving Outcome

A big part of your responsibility as a manager is to find ways to do things better—faster, cheaper, and more efficiently. And you need to be successful much more often than you are not. This means you have to always be mindful of opportunities for improvement.

Improving Outcomes

Learn how to practice risk management successfully.

In a Downturn: Don't Minimize, Optimize

In an interview with Leader's Edge, Steve Sashihara, CEO of Princeton Consultants, suggested that companies invest in optimization rather than cut spending. Is this a risky use of scarce capital? Not according to Mr. Sashihara....

Increasing Productivity: Knowing Which Tasks to Delegate

As a manager, one of the basic management skills you’ll need to master is delegation. Delegation is the process of turning over responsibility and authority for the completion of a task to employees.

Increase Your Influence by Becoming More People Savvy

A three-step frame work to influence people to see things your way.

Drive Employee Motivation Through Intrinsic Rewards - AMA

On any work team, there are times when people need a pick-me-up or seem to have lost their steam. Employee motivation could be the secret that moves them toward achieving a goal.