Collaboration can provide amazing results for your business. New strategic business partners bring expertise that you do not possess and open you up to new markets and audiences. But integrating with a partner also raises difficult questions: Do you possess the same values?
Learn fromthis CEO the value of Cold-call calling to better understand your customers.
A recent global AMA/HRI study on customer focus found that there are significant differences between what organizations should do to increase customer satisfaction and what they're actually doing....
Put your customer at ease and make the sale, with these simple strategies from management/sales guru Brian Tracy....
What’s the number one mistake that people make in negotiating? Find out what best-selling sales guru Brian Tracy has to say about negotiation and how to make sure you’re getting the best deal.
Even in today's troubled economy, offering customers a discount isn't necessarily the best strategy.
As Henry Ford said: "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." During his days as a door-to-door salesman, Sharif Khan learned first-hand how belief in oneself and a positive attitude are essential ingredients to a successful...
If your customer philosophy is "take the money and run," your company won't be around for long. Scott Deming, author of the new book The Brand Who Cried Wolf: Deliver on Your Company's Promise and Create Customers for Life, explains how to keep...
Learn from Brian Tracy and Michael tracy the secret of unlimited sales success
It may seem counter-intuitive, but the way to grow sales during the recession is to increase investment.