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The Customer-Focus Gaps

A recent global AMA/HRI study on customer focus found that there are significant differences between what organizations should do to increase customer satisfaction and what they're actually doing....

Peeling the Onion in the Private vs. Public Blockchain Conversation: Central Control of Verification

The first practical blockchain was created to disrupt and fragment political and market power by "allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without a trusted third party," according to the original bitcoin whitepaper attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto (http://satoshinakamoto.

Everything She Knows as a CEO She Learned as a Waitress

Before she became CEO of her own $29-million transportation and distribution company, Carolyn Gable spent her time waiting on tables and worrying about how she was going to feed her seven kids. She didn't earn an MBA at a famous B school; she didn't even attend college. Remarkably, as she explains i

Unlocking the Leader Within: Conquering Stage Fright

Next week Bob, a junior executive, has to present his team’s project status to senior management. Whenever he even thinks about his presentation, his hands start shaking, he starts perspiring, and his stomach starts dancing the jitterbug.

The Power of Negative Thinking

Do you want to be surrounded by a team of "yes" men (or women) who are afraid to give you the input you need to make effective, informed decisions? Unless you actively seek out diverse points of view, listen to dissenting arguments and empower your people to speak candidly, chances are you're not ge

Overcoming "Mommy Guilt"

Most parents know that parenthood and guilt go together like peanut butter and jelly. Fortunately, there is hope for the guilt-afflicted. Read our exclusive interview with the co-author of Mommy Guilt for upbeat and practical strategies guaranteed to help you worry less, rear happier kids, and overc

From the Mouths of Babes: Get Everything You Want by Learning How to Negotiate Like a Child

Bill Adler identifies 45 tried-and-true negotiating strategies that have worked for kids since the beginning of time and explains how they can be adapted from the playground to the workplace.

Get Rid of Those Pesky "Weasel Words"

Does your writing have a weasel problem? Weasel is language that sounds wishy-washy, even sneaky. It avoids saying anything definitively. Here's how to tell if weasels have infested your writing....

Being "Self-ful"-A Guide to Assertive Communication at Work

When it comes to handling difficult situations at work, you have three choices: you can respond in a way that is either selfish, selfless or "self-ful." Author/trainer Mimi Donaldson explains how being "self-ful"-confident enough to be able to ask for what you need without hurting other people-will