Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Job #1: Get the Job and Plan Those First 100 Days

Learn from this experienced executive how to make a good start in a new job.

Jim Collins and Mort Hansen on Flourishing in Uncertainty

Jim Collins and Mort Hansen , coauthors of the book Great By Choice , discuss their research on fundamental business concepts and why some companies excel in chaos, turbulence, and uncertainty while others do not. Collins describes it as the most fascinating analysis that he’s ever been associated w

Job One for Leaders: Doing the Right Thing

Looking for leadership role models to inspire and motivate you? Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have demonstrated unprecedented levels of personal philanthropy; Leona Helmsley, not so much....

Jobless Recovery in the U.S. Leaving Trail of Recession-Weary Employees in Its Wake

The “Great Recession” may be ending, but its impact on the U.S. workforce and employment itself looks to be deep and long lasting, according to the results of new research

Jim Champy on How to Outsmart Your Competition

Jim Champy inspired legions of business leaders with his bestseller Reengineering the Corporation. In his new book Outsmart! , Champy describes nine companies that have achieved breakthrough growth by consistently outsmarting the competition. Champy tells their fascinating success stories, revealing

Joel Kurtzman on the Strength of Common Purpose Organizations

When business seems like a dog-eat-dog world, it’s the common purpose organizations, the ones where everyone works together for the same goal, that are thriving. Walk into a company like Apple or the insurance agency FM Global and the difference is palpable; thanks to involved and invested leaders,

Jody Heymann on Keeping Every Employee Motivated and Profitable

Jody Heymann wants companies to invest in workers at the bottom of the ladder. These employees, the ones running the factory assembly lines or the retail cash registers, are the ones closest to the products and the customers and the employees who really know what is going on with the company. Smart

Joel Peterson on The 10 Laws of Trust

Culture drives performance. In a high-trust culture people are going to be more productive and innovative than a culture where they're constantly on high alert. Joel Peterson , co-author of The 10 Laws of Trust , published by AMACOM, is here to talk about how to cultivate a high-trust environment on

John Addison on a Leader's Positivity

Whenever someone would come to John Addison with a crisis he would always ask "how many people died?" The answer was always zero. It's all about perspective. It's easy to be a leader in good times but in the bad, the leaders with the positive attitude will be able to weather the storm.

Joe Pine on the Evolution of the Economic Model

Joe Pine , coauthor of The Experience Economy and the brand new book Infinite Possibility, joins us on Edgewise to explain the balance between commoditization and customization in progression of economic value. Amazon and Wal-Mart are just two companies that have used transformation as a tool to suc