
Women Leading with Impact: Resilience and Strategic Risk-Taking

Develop the skills and mindset to transform challenges into growth opportunities

Why do some women thrive professionally while others are passed over for career advancement opportunities? The answer is often a lack of resilience and resistance to taking risks—due to a variety of factors. For women, it is especially important to develop greater “bounce back” skills and gain more comfort with strategic risk-taking. Fortunately, the ability to transform challenges into growth and to leverage leadership skills to one’s best advantage can be learned. This course gives you powerful, practical techniques to reframe uncertainty, welcome healthy conflict, adapt to tough challenges and move out of your comfort zone to embrace new pathways to advancement.

Seminar Number: 02961

(18 reviews)
  • In-Person
  • Live Online
  • At Your Company Location

Course Scheduling & Pricing

Who Should Attend

Business professionals who want to enhance the impact they make in order to access greater leadership opportunities that can help them advance their careers.

  •   In-Person2 Day(s)
    1.2 CEU
  •   Live Online2 Day(s)
    1.2 CEU

Why do some women thrive professionally while others are passed over for career advancement opportunities? The answer is often a lack of resilience and resistance to taking risks—due to a variety of factors. For women, it is especially important to develop greater “bounce back” skills and gain more comfort with strategic risk-taking. Fortunately, the ability to transform challenges into growth and to leverage leadership skills to one’s best advantage can be learned. This course gives you powerful, practical techniques to reframe uncertainty, welcome healthy conflict, adapt to tough challenges and move out of your comfort zone to embrace new pathways to advancement.

  • Enhance self-awareness and leverage that ability for future challenges
  • Learn to demonstrate confidence and openness through verbal and non-verbal communication
  • Identify new strategies to find solutions outside your comfort zone
  • Reframe uncertainty and work through hesitation to speak up and resolve conflict
  • Know how you’re coming across to others and adapt in order to make the most effective impact
  • Defining five characteristics of resilient leaders
  • Learning strategies for becoming more adaptable, regardless of the challenges
  • Examining and eliminating sabotaging beliefs
  • Realizing the value of giving and receiving feedback and seeing through perceived limitations of others
  • Assessing your risk-taking muscle and building new strengths
  • Getting comfortable with conflict, using tools to stand your ground while appearing open and positive
  • Learning why we hesitate to speak up and resolve conflict
  • Redefining how a problem is addressed in order to find additional solutions
  • Utilizing techniques to handle negative emotions in the face of adversity
  • Leveraging empathy to understand others and gaining more powerful commitment
  • Revitalizing yourself physically, intellectually, and emotionally in order to lead others
  • Learning what it takes to create the essence of power and confidence under any circumstance
  • Analyzing the smartest listening techniques that build rapport
  • Exploring what factors are needed to persuade and strategically win people over
  • Assessing where you need to grow to leverage your career and creating a step-by-step plan to make it happen

Learning Objectives

  • Define the Five Characteristics of Resilient Leaders
  • Learn Strategies for Becoming More Adaptable, Regardless of the Challenges
  • Examine and Eliminate Sabotaging Beliefs
  • Utilize Techniques to Handle Negative Emotions in the Face of Adversity
  • Leverage Empathy to Understand Others
  • Revitalize Yourself Physically, Intellectually, and Emotionally in Order to Lead Others
  • Create an Essence of Power and Confidence Under Any Circumstance
  • Explore What Factors Are Needed to Persuade and Strategically Win People Over

Five Characteristics of Resilient Leaders

  • Identify the Five Tenets of a Resilient, Strategic, Risk-Taking Mindset
  • Apply Powerful Tools to Change Negative Self-Dialogue to Effective and Empowering Language

The Elements of Charisma and Your Confidence Brand

  • Identify the Elements of Charisma and Its Importance in Leading with Impact
  • Use the Power of Optimism to Build Morale
  • Demonstrate Confidence to Promote Positive Perception

Creating a Risk-Taking Mindset

  • Create a Stress-Free Resource State to Stay Energized When Taking Risks
  • Identify and Implement the Steps to Become a Risk Taker
  • Explain the Importance of Self-Disclosure in the Risk-Taking Process

The Power of Courage

  • Understand the Psychology of Courage
  • Use the Four-Part Courage Formula to Take Courageous Action
  • Use Physiology to Help Create a Courageous Mindset
  • Identify Tools to Handle Challenging Conversations

The Power of an Empathetic Leader

  • Use Empathetic Language in Daily Conversation
  • Describe the Value of Empathy in Building Synergistic Work Environments
  • Strengthen Your Professional Networks in Order to Be More Effective

Influence and Inspire: Setting the Stage for Your Future Successes

  • Utilize the Power of Perception When Influencing Others
  • Identify Strategies to Influence Others

Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF

View a Sample of Our Reviews


18 reviews

Very good training. Good presentations and flow of the information.
The instructor made the environment EVEN VIRTUALLY a safe space to leave your opinions on the table with no judgement and encouragement to disagree and have a lot of back and forth. This was the BEST virtual training course I have taken thus far and I have taken many sessions virtually, either professionally or on my own.
I especially appreciate the emphasis on actionable items to take away from the courses to apply in my next steps in business.I also very much appreciate the amazing women AMA has teaching these classes. They are positive, encouraging, knowledgable, and focused on helping other women succeed!
Every woman leader - whether seasoned or new should attend this seminar. You will find a new tidbit of knowledge that will make you a better leader. I used the skills from day 1 and have shared them with my colleagues. Excellent use of my time.
The class content was relevant and engaging, and the instructor was great! She obviously had a great deal of knowledge and experience. I was always engaged and feel that I learned some great tips and techniques to help me improve my leadership. I left the class with a good game plan on how to improve.

American Management Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

In-Person Schedule

4 Sessions Available

Live Online Schedule

5 Sessions Available

  • $2,595.00 Non Members
  • $2,345.00 AMA Members
  • $2,221.00 GSA
Date Duration State City Zip
  2024-06-27 2024-06-28 Jun 27, 2024 - Jun 28, 2024 2 Days NY New York 10019 New York Register Now

  2024-08-21 2024-08-22 Aug 21, 2024 - Aug 22, 2024 2 Days DC Arlington/Washington 22202-4807 Arlington/Washington Register Now

  2024-11-11 2024-11-12 Nov 11, 2024 - Nov 12, 2024 2 Days IL Chicago 60601-5927 Chicago Register Now

  2024-12-09 2024-12-10 Dec 9, 2024 - Dec 10, 2024 2 Days CA San Francisco 94103 San Francisco Register Now

Very good training. Good presentations and flow of the information.
The instructor made the environment EVEN VIRTUALLY a safe space to leave your opinions on the table with no judgement and encouragement to disagree and have a lot of back and forth. This was the BEST virtual training course I have taken thus far and I have taken many sessions virtually, either professionally or on my own.
I especially appreciate the emphasis on actionable items to take away from the courses to apply in my next steps in business.I also very much appreciate the amazing women AMA has teaching these classes. They are positive, encouraging, knowledgable, and focused on helping other women succeed!
Every woman leader - whether seasoned or new should attend this seminar. You will find a new tidbit of knowledge that will make you a better leader. I used the skills from day 1 and have shared them with my colleagues. Excellent use of my time.
The class content was relevant and engaging, and the instructor was great! She obviously had a great deal of knowledge and experience. I was always engaged and feel that I learned some great tips and techniques to help me improve my leadership. I left the class with a good game plan on how to improve.