
Strategic Thinking—Free Seminar Preview

Steps to Developing a Strategic Mindset

Steps to Developing a Strategic Mindset Many organizations have the tendency to lose their grasp on long-term plans in order to get immediate results. That’s why strategic thinking skills are essential for employees at all levels. Everyone needs to be able to evaluate ideas, devise alternatives, make hard choices and align tactics to reach business objectives. This program offers you a powerful introduction to AMA’s Strategic Thinking seminar, explaining the combination of concepts around the skills needed to think strategically, and the practices that allow participants to develop and hone their skills in a classroom environment. This course is designed for people who want to be able to move beyond day-to-day, reactionary thinking to gain a more long-term and future-focused perspective.

Seminar Number: 17968

  • Online
  • At Your Company Location

Course Scheduling & Pricing


Steps to Developing a Strategic Mindset

Many organizations have the tendency to lose their grasp on long-term plans in order to get immediate results. That’s why strategic thinking skills are essential for employees at all levels.

Everyone needs to be able to evaluate ideas, devise alternatives, make hard choices and align tactics to reach business objectives.

This program offers you a powerful introduction to AMA’s Strategic Thinking seminar, explaining the combination of concepts around the skills needed to think strategically, and the practices that allow participants to develop and hone their skills in a classroom environment.

This course is designed for people who want to be able to move beyond day-to-day, reactionary thinking to gain a more long-term and future-focused perspective.

Join us for a preview of this seminar, including:
  • Traits that determine the ability to think strategically
  • An introduction to AMA’s 9-part model for strategic thinking
  • Tips for putting the model into practice in your daily life

While attending this preview is FREE, reservations are required.

To fully participate in this electronic, interactive and live session, please check your system (or ask your IT department) to ensure it meets the following requirements:

Supported OS, Browser and Additional Requirements

  • Windows 7 and above; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Internet Explorer (v11.0 & above), Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above), or Microsoft Edge (v16 & above)
  • Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Apple Safari (v11.0 & above) and Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6; Google Chrome and Adobe Flash Player 23.0
  • Google Android 4.4 or later
  • Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

If you are using an unsupported version of a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, you may experience difficulty in viewing and/or listening to the event.

Test Your Computer

The audio portion of this AMA web event will be delivered directly through your computer’s speakers or attached headphones. To fully participate in this electronic, interactive, live session, please test your system and review the requirements (or ask your IT department) before the program begins:


Additional Requirements:

  • Minimum bandwidth requirement is 512 kbps for meeting attendees
  • POP-UP Blockers must be turned off to access the program.

Important tip - Please allow 15 minutes prior to joining a session to conduct your set-up and testing!

Need further assistance? Visit the complete technical requirements for Adobe Connect.

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1 Session Available

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