
Leading a Customer-Focused Team

Create a Culture Where Employees Strive to Meet and Exceed Customer Expectations

Coaching Your Team to 'Wow' Customers Your product can be stellar, your staff can be super talented, but the one thing that customers are most likely to remember is their direct interaction with your employees. The secret sauce to great customer service and support is the people who deliver it. This webinar shows you how to coach your team to transform their mindset from a transactional one to a relational attitude which leads to enhanced customer connections and improved loyalty. Using the four “A’s” of effective coaching, you’ll discover how to take stock of your employees, take action to correct weaknesses, and boost their satisfaction and engagement across the board. You can have the best, most efficient and customer-friendly processes in the world, but they will fall apart if your team is not motivated, not happy, or doesn’t work together well. The bottom line: this course reveals a proven method to create a consistent culture where teams take ownership and are held accountable for meeting and exceeding customer expectations

Seminar Number: 82175

  • Online
  • At Your Company Location

Course Scheduling & Pricing

Who Should Attend

Leaders of teams who interact with internal and/or external customers.


Coaching Your Team to 'Wow' Customers

Your product can be stellar, your staff can be super talented, but the one thing that customers are most likely to remember is their direct interaction with your employees. The secret sauce to great customer service and support is the people who deliver it.

This webinar shows you how to coach your team to transform their mindset from a transactional one to a relational attitude which leads to enhanced customer connections and improved loyalty. Using the four “A’s” of effective coaching, you’ll discover how to take stock of your employees, take action to correct weaknesses, and boost their satisfaction and engagement across the board.

You can have the best, most efficient and customer-friendly processes in the world, but they will fall apart if your team is not motivated, not happy, or doesn’t work together well.

The bottom line: this course reveals a proven method to create a consistent culture where teams take ownership and are held accountable for meeting and exceeding customer expectations

  • How to create a culture where your team works together, cohesively, towards a common goal
  • Ways to help employees understand how and why their role is important to the organization
  • 3 factors that create strong motivation in an individual
  • How to ensure that your team is taking the proper action steps to meet and exceed customer needs
  • Advice for coaching productive behavior in challenging situations
  • The right way to reward employees when they have done a great job
  • How to conduct a 5-step conversation that holds employees accountable yet leaves them feeling empowered

How Do AMA Webinars Work?

AMA Webinars provide you with a cost-effective and convenient way to boost your know-how. You can participate in the comfort of your home or office without the need for travel costs and time.

BONUS: Paid registrants will also get a single-user license to access a recorded archive of the program for a full year so that you can watch the program again and again to boost your skill set.

Please note that AMA Webinars are designed to provide a one-to-one learning experience for an individual and are not designed to be viewed in a group setting. Program access is available only via the MYAMA account of the registered attendee.

To fully participate in this electronic, interactive and live session, please check your system (or ask your IT department) to ensure it meets the following requirements:

Supported OS, Browser and Additional Requirements

  • Windows 7 and above; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Internet Explorer (v11.0 & above), Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above), or Microsoft Edge (v16 & above)
  • Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Apple Safari (v11.0 & above) and Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6; Google Chrome and Adobe Flash Player 23.0
  • Google Android 4.4 or later
  • Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

If you are using an unsupported version of a Windows, Mac, or Linux operating system, you may experience difficulty in viewing and/or listening to the event.

Test Your Computer

The audio portion of this AMA web event will be delivered directly through your computer’s speakers or attached headphones. To fully participate in this electronic, interactive, live session, please test your system and review the requirements (or ask your IT department) before the program begins:


Additional Requirements:

  • Minimum bandwidth requirement is 512 kbps for meeting attendees
  • POP-UP Blockers must be turned off to access the program.

Important tip - Please allow 15 minutes prior to joining a session to conduct your set-up and testing!

Need further assistance? Visit the complete technical requirements for Adobe Connect.

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