Learning Objectives
- Describe and Apply the Five Principles of Effective Leadership Communication
- Craft a Compelling Leadership Message That Inspires Action and Produces Results
- Describe and Apply Four Leadership Communication Styles
- Take Charge of a Group of People and Win Their Support
- Communicate the Strategic Direction with Passion
- Set the Operational Direction (Delegate Responsibility) in Ways That Get Action
- Influence Buy-In and Committed Action
- Inspire People to Do Their Best
- Coach, Counsel, and Mentor Others to Build Their Skills and Grow Personally
- Recognize and Reward People for Their Efforts and Good Work
- Handle Tough Situations in Ways That Minimize Resistance and Maximize Acceptance
The Voices of Effective Leaders Past and Present
- Define Leadership
- Describe Typical Leadership Situations, and Assess How Well You Use the Language of Leadership in Those Situations
- Describe Five Traits of Effective Leaders as Communicators and Assess How Well You Demonstrate Those Traits
- Explain How Effective Leaders—Past and Present—Have Communicated Well
Finding Your Leadership Voice
- Describe the Two Components of a Leader’s Voice
- Describe How to Find Your True Voice as a Leader
- Describe Four Leadership Communication Styles and Identify Your Dominant Style
- Describe When and How to Use Each Style
Crafting a Compelling Message That Influences, Inspires, and Produces Results
- Gather Your Thoughts Quickly to Craft a Message
- Pinpoint the Desired Results of Your Leadership Message
- Tailor Your Message to the Intended Audience So That It Resonates
Getting the Attention and Understanding of Those You Wish to Lead
- Get the Genuine Attention of Followers
- Generate Presence and Charisma That Command Respect
- Send Clear Messages That Maximize Audience Understanding
- Tell Dramatic Stories That Captivate Audiences and Make Your Message Clear
Setting the Direction for Others
- Communicate a Strategic Direction (an Inspiring Vision, Mission, and Values Statement) with Passion and Precision
- Set the Operational Direction, Assign Responsibility, and Delegate Authority in Ways That Prompt Others to Take Responsibility
Influencing Buy-In and Committed Action
- Describe and Apply Nine Different Influence Strategies
- Get Others to Accept, Endorse, and Advance Your Agenda
- Overcome Resistance and Initiate Change
Inspiring Others to Do Their Best
- Describe the Factors That Motivate and Demotivate People
- Light a Fire in the Hearts of Others
Coaching, Counseling, and Mentoring for Improved Performance
- Conduct Authentic Coaching, Counseling and Mentoring Sessions
- Provide Positive Feedback and Constructive Criticism
Address Tough and Touchy Situations in Ways That Defuse Tension
- Discuss the “Undiscussables” and Other Sensitive Issues Tactfully
- Defuse Tension and Assert Yourself Well in Tense Situations
- Deliver Bad News and Unpopular Changes in Ways That Win Acceptance
- Handle Conflict and Mediate Disputes