
From Chaos to Control: How to be Resilient to Workplace Stress

Practical tools to be resilient to work-related stresses that hurt your performance and productivity.

It’s not the actual work you do for your job that is stressful. What is usually most stressful is the bombardment of pressures that are unavoidable and beyond your control, such as excessive workload, a difficult boss or colleague, repeated adaptation to restructuring, budget cuts, and so forth. Some people are finding it harder than ever to deal with the challenges at work, while others are sailing through with ease. The #1 factor that determines how well you perform under stress is your ability to cope with the stress—not specific job conditions or the amount of pressure you face. You experience stress to the degree that the challenges you face seem out of your control. Resilience refers to your ability to handle and rise above the multiple stresses in the workplace, by controlling what you CAN control. With the right toolkit, you can develop resilience quickly. How can you manage yourself so you can stay focused, confident, and calm despite these everyday stresses? How can you manage yourself to affect positively those around you and protect yourself from the negative impact of others' stress? How can you take control of politics or workload issues to lessen the friction and overwhelming pressure? Attend this webinar to discover tools to combat the pressure cooker!

Seminar Number: 82024

  • Online
  • At Your Company Location

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It’s not the actual work you do for your job that is stressful.

What is usually most stressful is the bombardment of pressures that are unavoidable and beyond your control, such as excessive workload, a difficult boss or colleague, repeated adaptation to restructuring, budget cuts, and so forth.

Some people are finding it harder than ever to deal with the challenges at work, while others are sailing through with ease. The #1 factor that determines how well you perform under stress is your ability to cope with the stress—not specific job conditions or the amount of pressure you face.

You experience stress to the degree that the challenges you face seem out of your control.

Resilience refers to your ability to handle and rise above the multiple stresses in the workplace, by controlling what you CAN control. With the right toolkit, you can develop resilience quickly.

How can you manage yourself so you can stay focused, confident, and calm despite these everyday stresses? How can you manage yourself to affect positively those around you and protect yourself from the negative impact of others' stress? How can you take control of politics or workload issues to lessen the friction and overwhelming pressure?

Attend this webinar to discover tools to combat the pressure cooker!

The bottom line is that your ability to manage stress can make the difference between your success or failure at work.

In this webinar you’ll learn the effects of stress on your brain, body, and behavior, as well as a repertoire of techniques to maintain core strength under stress. You’ll walk away with specific strategies to prevent some of the sources of stress, as well as strategies you can use to:

  1. Take control of political situations that cause worry about how you are perceived 
  2.  Keep your internal mental messaging motivated, positive, and creative and bypass fear and negativity
  3.  Insulate yourself and your team from workload excesses and shifting priorities
  4.  Energize yourself when worn down and achieve calm when overwhelmed
  5.  Remain poised and don't respond emotionally—to turn politics in your favor
  6.  Reverse or greatly diminish physical symptoms related to stress
  7.  Sleep well through the night and get back to sleep soon if you awaken

You can stop being drained by a difficult boss or direct report and inoculate yourself from the negativity of others! Here’s your chance to learn how to lower your stress and take charge of your personal and professional life… so register online now!

How You Will Benefit

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the warning signs of stress and identify personal stressors
  • Develop effective techniques for coping with stress and other anxieties
  • Learn behavioral strategies that improve wellness and resilience

How AMA Webinars Work

AMA Webinars provide you with a cost-effective and convenient way to boost your know-how. You can participate in the comfort of your home or office without the need for travel costs and time.

BONUS:  Paid registrants will also get a single-user license to access a recorded archive of the program for a full year so that you can watch the program again and again to boost your skill set.

Please note that AMA Webinars are designed to provide a one-to-one learning experience for an individual and are not designed to be viewed in a group setting. Program access is available only via the MYAMA account of the registered attendee.

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  • Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6; Google Chrome and Adobe Flash Player 23.0
  • Google Android 4.4 or later
  • Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

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  • Minimum bandwidth requirement is 512 kbps for meeting attendees
  • POP-UP Blockers must be turned off to access the program.

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