
Creating the 1-Second Chart

Design a Chart That Tells the Story in One Second! The amount of business data available for reporting and analysis is skyrocketing. And every day it becomes more and more critical for you to communicate the meaning and actionable insights with your data as clearly and quickly as possible. But are you asking your stakeholders to invest too much time attempting to understand the meaning of your numbers? It’s no longer good enough to simply throw a series of pie charts on slides or in a report and expect your audience to understand the story behind those charts. It’s the message of the data that matters and leads to effective business decisions, and bad charts = bad decision-making. This course gives you a set of tools and techniques to present complex data in a manner that conveys important ideas effectively. In a nutshell, you’ll learn how to present your data in a “1-second chart™” that is easy to interpret. A 1-second chart is not a chart that takes 1 second to create (as much as we would like that!), but one that takes your audience 1 second to read and understand. If your day-to-day work involves creating even a single bar chart on an Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide, this course is for you.

Seminar Number: 82102

  • Online
  • At Your Company Location

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Design a Chart That Tells the Story in One Second!

The amount of business data available for reporting and analysis is skyrocketing. And every day it becomes more and more critical for you to communicate the meaning and actionable insights with your data as clearly and quickly as possible.

But are you asking your stakeholders to invest too much time attempting to understand the meaning of your numbers?

It’s no longer good enough to simply throw a series of pie charts on slides or in a report and expect your audience to understand the story behind those charts. It’s the message of the data that matters and leads to effective business decisions, and bad charts = bad decision-making.

This course gives you a set of tools and techniques to present complex data in a manner that conveys important ideas effectively. In a nutshell, you’ll learn how to present your data in a “1-second chart™” that is easy to interpret.

A 1-second chart is not a chart that takes 1 second to create (as much as we would like that!), but one that takes your audience 1 second to read and understand.

If your day-to-day work involves creating even a single bar chart on an Excel spreadsheet or PowerPoint slide, this course is for you.

What You Will Learn

This webinar explores what makes a chart successful and effective in telling a story. You'll learn 10 proven techniques and tips for creating effective charts and data visualizations using the tools and software you already have, including:

  • “Chart first, text 2nd”
  • The “McKinsey Rule”
  • Reducing color
  • Adding emphasis
  • Direct labeling
  • Splitting up complex data
  • Identifying and removing "chart junk”
  • Why pie charts are killing your message
  • And much more!

After 90 minutes, you’ll come away with solid strategies for creating new and improving existing charts that can be understood in mere seconds.

How You Will Benefit

After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Apply graphic design principles to your data visualizations
  • Combine charts and text in presentations in the right proportions
  • Choose more effective charts to convey dense data sets
  • Easily spot and remove extraneous chart elements that stand in the way of clear data storytelling
  • Limit your reliance on ineffective and tired chart types
  • Discover more effective solutions for the dreaded and impossible-to-read clustered column chart

How Do AMA Webinars Work?

AMA Webinars provide you with a cost-effective and convenient way to boost your know-how. You can participate in the comfort of your home or office without the need for travel costs and time.

BONUS:  Paid registrants will also get a single-user license to access a recorded archive of the program for a full year.

Please note that AMA Webinars are designed to provide a one-to-one learning experience for an individual and are not designed to be viewed in a group setting. Program access is available only via the MYAMA account of the registered attendee.

* 1-Second Chart™ is a trademark of Nolan Haims Creative.

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  • Windows 7 and above; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Internet Explorer (v11.0 & above), Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above), or Microsoft Edge (v16 & above)
  • Mac OS X 10.11, 10.12 and 10.13; Google Chrome (v66.0 & above), Apple Safari (v11.0 & above) and Mozilla Firefox (v55.0 & above)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 and 16.04; Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6; Google Chrome and Adobe Flash Player 23.0
  • Google Android 4.4 or later
  • Apple iOS: iOS 8.1.2 or later

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  • Minimum bandwidth requirement is 512 kbps for meeting attendees
  • POP-UP Blockers must be turned off to access the program.

Important tip - Please allow 15 minutes prior to joining a session to conduct your set-up and testing!

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