
AMA's Business Grammar Workshop

Avoid costly and embarrassing mistakes in all types of business writing.

Professionals who can write clearly and correctly are far more valuable to an organization than those whose business writing is filled with errors. Whether you need to refresh your knowledge of grammar and punctuation—or know what’s grammatically correct but can’t always explain why—this highly interactive and collaborative course is the perfect and painless solution. Grammar in business writing gives you the tools to correctly apply the standard rules for proper usage in business writing. Using hands-on exercises, you’ll work with seminar colleagues to apply what you’ve learned so you can return to your job with the confidence of a writing pro.

Seminar Number: 02121

(233 reviews)
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  • At Your Company Location

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Who Should Attend

All professionals who want to improve their grammar skills and increase their confidence with all types of business writing.

  •   Live Online2 Day(s)
    1.2 CEU, 12 CLP, 14 CPE

Professionals who can write clearly and correctly are far more valuable to an organization than those whose business writing is filled with errors. Whether you need to refresh your knowledge of grammar and punctuation—or know what’s grammatically correct but can’t always explain why—this highly interactive and collaborative course is the perfect and painless solution. Grammar in business writing gives you the tools to correctly apply the standard rules for proper usage in business writing. Using hands-on exercises, you’ll work with seminar colleagues to apply what you’ve learned so you can return to your job with the confidence of a writing pro.

  • Produce coherent sentences that quickly get to the point
  • Edit for agreement between parts of speech within a sentence
  • Apply simple, effective tips for proper grammar, usage and punctuation
  • Correctly proofread business messages
  • Use rules of Standard English to critique your own writing
  • Select the appropriate grammar to suit the business situation
  • Finding typical (and not-so-typical) errors in grammar
  • Common verb mistakes: tense, mood, subject-verb agreement
  • Adjective-adverb confusion
  • Building and deconstructing grammatically correct sentences
  • Dangling and misplaced modifiers
  • Active and passive voice
  • Working with “exceptions to the rule”

Learning Objectives

  • Write Grammatically Correct Business Documents
  • Produce Clear and Concise Sentences
  • Edit for Agreement Between Parts of Speech Within a Sentence
  • Employ Simple, Memorable Tips for Proper Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation
  • Proofread Business Documents for Grammatical Correctness
  • Apply Rules of Standard English to Critique Your Own Writing
  • Select the Appropriate Grammar to Suit the Business Situation
  • Identify Excellent Print and Electronic Grammar Resources

Business Grammar Overview

  • Clarify Differences Among Tricky Grammar Rules
  • Assess Your Depth of Grammar Knowledge
  • Correct Common Errors in Business Grammar

Verbs—All Tensed Up

  • Identify Excellent Grammar Print Resources
  • Distinguish Among the Eight Parts of Speech in Standard English
  • Correct Verb Tense and Agreement Errors in Common Sentences

Adjectives/Adverbs—Addled Additives

  • Identify Excellent Online Grammar Resources
  • Distinguish Between the Most Commonly Confused Adjective-Adverb Pairs
  • Apply the Linking Verb Rule for Selecting the Correct Adjective or Adverb

Prim and Proper Pronouns

  • Identify the Proper Source for Commonly Used Pronouns
  • Use Workarounds for an Awkward Grammar Rule

Wobbly Words

  • Use Mnemonic Devices to Remember the Distinctions Among Tricky Word Pairs and Trios
  • Choose Correctly from Commonly Confused Words

Mainly Mechanics

  • Edit for Correct Capitalization, Abbreviation, and Number Usage
  • Correct a Document for Errors in Parts of Speech and Mechanics

Building Sentences

  • Identify the Main Parts of a Sentence
  • Construct and Deconstruct Grammatically Correct Sentences

Running Stop Signs and Stopping Short—Run-ons and Fragments

  • Identify Common Sentence Structure Errors
  • Remedy Grammatically Flawed Sentences

Punctuation Pointers

  • Define the Purpose and Application of Each Punctuation Mark
  • Choose the Correct Punctuation Mark in Diverse Sentences

Dazed by Phrases, Paused by Clauses

  • Distinguish Between Phrases and Clauses
  • Identify and Correct Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
  • Edit Unclear Pronoun References
  • Align Words, Phrases, and Clauses for Parallel Structure
  • Convert Sentences from Passive Voice to Active Voice

Grammar Improvement Plan

  • Articulate the Effects of Globalization and Technology on English Grammar in the Workplace
  • List Areas of Strength in Grammar Developed in This Workshop and Areas of Need in Grammar to Be Developed Further
  • Create an Action Plan for Continual Improvement in Grammar

Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF



  • Write Grammatically Correct Business Documents
  • Produce Clear and Concise Sentences  Edit for Agreement Between Parts of Speech Within a Sentence
  • Employ Simple, Memorable Tips for Proper Grammar, Usage, and Punctuation
  • Proofread Business Documents for Grammatical Correctness
  • Apply Rules of Standard English to Critique Your Own Writing
  • Select the Appropriate Grammar to Suit the Business Situation
  • Identify Excellent Print and Electronic Grammar Resources


Business Grammar Overview

  • Clarify Differences Among Tricky Grammar Rules
  • Assess Your Depth of Grammar Knowledge
  • Correct Common Errors in Business Grammar

Verbs—All Tensed Up

  • Identify Excellent Grammar Print Resources
  • Distinguish Among the Eight Parts of Speech in Standard English
  • Correct Verb Tense and Agreement Errors in Common Sentences

 Adjectives/Adverbs—Addled Additives

  • Identify Excellent Online Grammar Resources
  • Distinguish Between the Most Commonly Confused Adjective-Adverb Pairs
  • Apply the Linking Verb Rule for Selecting the Correct Adjective or Adverb


Prim and Proper Pronouns

  • Identify the Proper Source for Commonly Used Pronouns
  • Use Workarounds for an Awkward Grammar Rule

Wobbly Words

  • Use Mnemonic Devices to Remember the Distinctions Among Tricky Word Pairs and Trios
  • Choose Correctly from Commonly Confused Words

 Mainly Mechanics

  • Edit for Correct Capitalization, Abbreviation, and Number Usage
  • Correct a Document for Errors in Parts of Speech and Mechanics


 Building Sentences

  • Identify the Main Parts of a Sentence
  • Construct and Deconstruct Grammatically Correct Sentences

Running Stop Signs and Stopping Short—Run-ons and Fragments

  • Identify Common Sentence Structure Errors
  • Remedy Grammatically Flawed Sentences

Punctuation Pointers

  • Define the Purpose and Application of Each Punctuation Mark
  • Choose the Correct Punctuation Mark in Diverse Sentences


Dazed by Phrases, Paused by Clauses

  • Distinguish Between Phrases and Clauses
  • Identify and Correct Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers
  • Edit Unclear Pronoun References
  • Align Words, Phrases, and Clauses for Parallel Structure  Convert Sentences from Passive Voice to Active Voice

Grammar Improvement Plan

  • Articulate the Effects of Globalization and Technology on English Grammar in the Workplace
  • List Areas of Strength in Grammar Developed in This Workshop and Areas of Need in Grammar to Be Developed Further
  • Create an Action Plan for Continual Improvement in Grammar

Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF

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View a Sample of Our Reviews


233 reviews

I loved the constant interaction and encouraging participation, it held my interest and made my 12 hour class seem to fly by and end with a ton of knowledge and tools gained.
This was a great course! The information and practice exercises were extremely helpful. I also appreciate the reference guide and additional resources that were shared during the workshop.
The information I learned in the Grammar Workshop has already improved my personal communication, and I know that it will create a lasting impact on my professional communications.
Overall, the seminar was excellent ! My grammar knowledge was brushed up, I learnt lots of tricks and tips for a better writing. The class also helped me correct lots of mistakes which I was making unknowingly.
The Business Grammar Workshop has been a great refresher for me in my current role since I find my self writing lots of correspondences internally and externally.

American Management Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

AMA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: For additional information or for more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact Martha Leon at 212-903-8173.

Recommended CPE Credit: 14 hours/Basic
Prerequisites: Online pre-and post-assessment
Advance Preparation: None
Delivery Method: Group Live/Group Internet-Based
Field of Study: Non-technical – Communication

Live Online Schedule

4 Sessions Available

I loved the constant interaction and encouraging participation, it held my interest and made my 12 hour class seem to fly by and end with a ton of knowledge and tools gained.
This was a great course! The information and practice exercises were extremely helpful. I also appreciate the reference guide and additional resources that were shared during the workshop.
The information I learned in the Grammar Workshop has already improved my personal communication, and I know that it will create a lasting impact on my professional communications.
Overall, the seminar was excellent ! My grammar knowledge was brushed up, I learnt lots of tricks and tips for a better writing. The class also helped me correct lots of mistakes which I was making unknowingly.
The Business Grammar Workshop has been a great refresher for me in my current role since I find my self writing lots of correspondences internally and externally.