
Assertiveness Training for Women in Business

Speak out with confidence—Become an Assertive Business Woman.

In todays ever changing business environment it is vital for women to have an assertive voice in business. Assertiveness techniques, when used effectively, can enhance almost every aspect of your job and life — Knowing which tools and techniques to use, and how and when to use them, is critical. AMA’s assertiveness training for women is a 3-day seminar that addresses the unique challenges women face in business and provides them with the assertiveness techniques essential for survival and advancement in their industry. With these skills, women can feel secure that they are sending the right signals that elicit the right responses. They will help you command respect while being respectful and handle almost any situation you’re likely to encounter without seeming overbearing. AMA's assertiveness training for women gives you the opportunity to practice fundamental assertiveness skills and to share your concerns with other women in a supportive and encouraging learning environment. You’ll assess your leadership style and then apply the new skills and tools you learn directly to one of your own challenges, receive feedback, and refine your skills through videotaped practice. Return to work with a complete and flexible plan for achieving the kind of assertiveness your position demands.

Seminar Number: 02528

(523 reviews)
  • In-Person
  • Live Online
  • At Your Company Location

Course Scheduling & Pricing

Who Should Attend

Female business professionals who want to strengthen their assertiveness techniques, alleviate weaknesses and improve their communication skills as they relate to being assertive in business.

  •   In-Person2 Day(s)
    1.2 CEU, 14 CPE, 12 PDU, 12 PMU
  •   Live Online2 Day(s)
    1.2 CEU, 14 CPE, 12 PDU, 12 PMU

In todays ever changing business environment it is vital for women to have an assertive voice in business. Assertiveness techniques, when used effectively, can enhance almost every aspect of your job and life — Knowing which tools and techniques to use, and how and when to use them, is critical. AMA’s assertiveness training for women is a 3-day seminar that addresses the unique challenges women face in business and provides them with the assertiveness techniques essential for survival and advancement in their industry. With these skills, women can feel secure that they are sending the right signals that elicit the right responses. They will help you command respect while being respectful and handle almost any situation you’re likely to encounter without seeming overbearing.

AMA's assertiveness training for women gives you the opportunity to practice fundamental assertiveness skills and to share your concerns with other women in a supportive and encouraging learning environment. You’ll assess your leadership style and then apply the new skills and tools you learn directly to one of your own challenges, receive feedback, and refine your skills through videotaped practice. Return to work with a complete and flexible plan for achieving the kind of assertiveness your position demands.

  • Recognize the characteristics of the four assertiveness styles 
  • Assess your individual assertiveness style and its effectiveness 
  • Demonstrate assertiveness techniques using supportive communication behaviors 
  • Develop an action plan to overcome at least two personal obstacles to assertiveness 
  • Learn how to capitalize on the strengths of your leadership style—and minimize weaknesses 
  • Flex your leadership style preference to interact most effectively and assertively with others 
  • Incorporate assertiveness techniques into everyday practices 

Foundations of Assertiveness

  • Distinguishing between passive, assertive, and aggressive behaviors
  • Discussing how socialization affects your behavior in the business environment
  • Identifying personal work situations and obstacles that challenge assertive behavior

Assessing Your Assertiveness

  • Identifying your assertiveness style preferences
  • Assessing and identifying strengths and weaknesses of your assertiveness style
  • Knowing how value systems impact your assertiveness
  • Identifying ways to reduce role conflict

Getting Comfortable in Your Own Skin

  • Exploring the assertive components of becoming comfortable in your own S.K.I.N. (Support self-esteem; Know self; Initiate dialogue; Negate negative self-talk)

Assertive Communications Skills for Women

  • Understanding the three components of communication and factors that influence their impact
  • Differentiating the verbal and nonverbal communication styles of men and women
  • Applying active and reflective listening skills to build assertiveness techniques
  • Listening and responding assertively to feedback and criticism

Assertiveness Techniques and Practices

  • Demonstrating a five-step model to express assertive language
  • Exploring four special assertive techniques: broken record, fogging, negative assertion, and negative inquiry
  • Saying “no” and surviving
  • Responding to common put-down statements
  • Videotaping practice sessions

Assertive Case Study Workshop

  • Reviewing the uses of strategic tools, models and techniques
  • Applying assertiveness techniques to analyze and plan around your own must-solve situations
  • Receiving feedback on your plan for addressing your must-solve situations

Assertiveness and Leading

  • Assessing leadership styles
  • Understanding five dimensions of centered leadership
  • Identifying new ways to use assertive leadership in your personal and professional life

Leading a Balanced Life

  • Techniques for dealing with anger
  • Preventing and coping with stress
  • Applying a four-step model to improve personal level of work and life balance
  • Discussing the nature and value of women support networks and resources
  • Planning for continuing assertiveness growth

Special Feature

AMA's assertiveness training for women gives you the opportunity to practice fundamental assertiveness skills and to share your concerns with other women in a supportive and encouraging learning environment. You’ll assess your leadership style and then apply the new skills and tools you learn directly to one of your own challenges, receive feedback, and refine your skills through videotaped practice. Return to work with a complete and flexible plan for achieving the kind of assertiveness your position demands.

Learning Objectives

  • Define Assertiveness and Identify the Characteristics of the Four Assertiveness Styles
  • Assess Your Individual Assertiveness Style and Its Effectiveness
  • Demonstrate Assertiveness Techniques Using Supportive Communication Behaviors
  • Develop an Action Plan to Overcome at Least Two Personal Obstacles to Assertiveness and to Incorporate Techniques into Everyday Practices

Foundations of Assertiveness

  • Define Assertiveness
  • Distinguish Between Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive Behaviors
  • Discuss How Socialization Affects Your Behavior in the Business Environment
  • Identify Personal Work Situations and Obstacles That Challenge Assertive Behavior

Assess Your Assertiveness

  • Identify Your Assertiveness Style Preferences
  • Assess and Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Assertiveness Style
  • Discuss How Value Systems Impact Your Assertiveness
  • Identify Ways to Reduce Role Conflict

Get Comfortable in Your Own S. K.I.N.

  • Describe the Assertive Components of Becoming “Comfortable in Your Own S.K.I.N.”

Assertive Communication Skills

  • Identify the Three Components of Communication and Factors That Influence Their Impact
  • Differentiate the Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Styles of Men and Women
  • Apply Active and Reflective Listening Skills to Build Assertive Skills
  • Listen and Respond Assertively to Feedback and Criticism

Assertive Techniques and Practices

  • Demonstrate a Five-Step Model to Express Assertive Language
  • Describe Four Special Assertive Techniques: Broken Record, Fogging, Negative Assertion, and Negative Inquiry
  • Say “No” and Survive
  • Respond to Common Put-Down Statements

Assertiveness Case Study Workshop

  • Review the Uses of Strategic Tools, Models, and Techniques
  • Apply Assertiveness Techniques to Analyze and Plan Around Your Own “Must-Solve” Challenges
  • Receive Feedback and Suggestions on Your Plan for How to Best Address Your “Must-Solve” Challenges
  • Give Feedback and Suggestions to Others on Their Plans to Assertively Address Their “Must-Solve” Challenges

Assertiveness and Leading

  • Assess Leadership Styles
  • Discuss Five Dimensions of Centered Leadership
  • Identify New Ways to Use Assertive Leadership in Your Personal and Professional Life

Leading a Balanced Life

  • Name at Least Five Techniques to Deal with Anger
  • Identify Techniques for Preventing and Coping with Stress
  • Discuss the Nature and Value of Women Support Networks and Resources
  • Plan for Continuing Assertiveness Growth

Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF


  • Define Assertiveness and Identify the Characteristics of the Four Assertiveness Styles
  • Assess Individual Assertiveness Style and Its Effectiveness
  • Demonstrate Assertive Techniques Using Supportive Communication Behaviors
  • Develop an Action Plan to Overcome at Least Two Personal Obstacles to Assertiveness and to Incorporate Techniques into Everyday Practices


Assertiveness Overview

  • Define Assertiveness
  • Distinguish Among Passive, Assertive, and Aggressive Verbal and Nonverbal Behaviors
  • Identify Personal Work Situations and Obstacles That Challenge Assertive Behavior
  • Discuss How Socialization Affects Your Behavior in the Business Environment

Assessing Yourself

  • Assess and Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Assertiveness Style
  • Learn to See the Relationship Between Your Values and Your Behavior
  • Analyze How to Handle Compliments More Comfortably
  • Describe the Assertive Components of Becoming “Comfortable in Your Own Skin”


Assessing Yourself (cont’d)

  • Assess and Identify Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Assertiveness Style
  • Learn to See the Relationship Between Your Values and Your Behavior
  • Analyze How to Handle Compliments More Comfortably
  • Describe the Assertive Components of Becoming “Comfortable in Your Own Skin”

Assertive Techniques and Practices

  • Demonstrate a Five-Step Model to Express Assertive Language
  • Describe Six Special Assertive Techniques: Broken Record, Fogging, Negative Assertion, Negative Inquiry, Free Information and Self-Disclosure
  • Say “No” and Survive
  • Respond to Common Put-Down Statements


Assertive Techniques and Practices (cont’d)

  • Demonstrate a Five-Step Model to Express Assertive Language
  • Describe Six Special Assertive Techniques: Broken Record, Fogging, Negative Assertion, Negative Inquiry, Free Information and Self-Disclosure
  • Say “No” and Survive
  • Respond to Common Put-Down Statements

Key Communication Skills Necessary for Assertiveness

  • Identify the Three Components of Communication and Factors That Influence Their Impact
  • Differentiate the Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Styles of Men and Women
  • Listen Assertively  Handle Feedback and Criticism Effectively


Key Communication Skills Necessary for Assertiveness (cont’d)

  • Identify the Three Components of Communication and Factors That Influence Their Impact
  • Differentiate the Verbal and Nonverbal Communication Styles of Men and Women
  • Listen Assertively
  • Handle Feedback and Criticism Effectively

Overcoming Obstacles to Achieve the Desired Personal and Professional Balance

  • Pinpoint Personal Internal Obstacles to Assertiveness, and Develop Strategies to Overcome Them
  • Name at Least Five Techniques to Deal with Anger
  • Identify Techniques for Preventing and Coping with Stress
  • Apply a Four-Step Model to Improve Your Personal Level of Work and Life Balance
  • Discuss the Nature and Value of Women’s Support Networks and Resources

Action Plan

  • Develop and Assertive Approach to Two Current Challenging Situations
  • Establish an Action Plan for Achieving Your Goals 
Download Extended Seminar Outline PDF

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View a Sample of Our Reviews


523 reviews

Outstanding training, amazing teacher. Course was filled with valuable tips, tools, and resources to be used in the real world. I feel like I now wear an invisible belt, loaded with the tools needed to assertively handle different situations in the workplace. Recommend this course to all women!
This class introduced many skills to apply in everyday interactions. I particularly liked the opportunities to practice during the class. Putting these skills to use will be the biggest challenge, but now I have some tools in the tool kit.
The facilitator was excellent, the content was directly applicable to my daily job and daily life, and practicing with my peers helped me feel much more comfortable with the topic.
I loved this training, instructor was clear an pleasant, knowledgeable, smart and straight to the point. I didn't feel like I was wasting my time on the contrary I was looking forward to every meeting.
There was so much information imparted that will be helpful in my career. I wish I could have taken this course 20 years ago! There was a lot to take in, but the different exercises and Desiree's teaching style made it possible to really understand the concepts and put them into practice. I recommend this seminar for men and women.

This course is valid for PMUs.
Classroom18 Professional Effectiveness [PE]
Live Online 12 Professional Effectiveness [PE]

AMA has been reviewed and approved as a provider of project management training by the Project Management Institute (PMI).

Talent Triangle PDUs

Classroom [L] 18 / Live Online [L] 12

Project Management Institute (PMI) Talent Triangle, 2015.
Reproduced with the permission of PMI. Copyright and all rights reserved

American Management Association is accredited by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training (IACET) and is accredited to issue the IACET CEU.

AMA is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: For additional information or for more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds, please contact Martha Leon at 212-903-8173.

Recommended CPE Credit: Classroom-21 hours/Basic  Live Online-14 hours/Basic 
Prerequisites: None
Advanced Preparation: Online pre- and post-assessment
Delivery Method: Group Live/Group-Internet-Based
Field of Study: Non-Technical - Communication, Personal Development

In-Person Schedule

7 Sessions Available

Live Online Schedule

9 Sessions Available

  • $2,595.00 Non Members
  • $2,345.00 AMA Members
  • $2,221.00 GSA
Date Duration State City Zip
  2024-04-02 2024-04-03 Apr 2, 2024 - Apr 3, 2024 2 Days NY New York 10019 New York Register Now

  2024-05-06 2024-05-07 May 6, 2024 - May 7, 2024 2 Days IL Chicago 60601-5927 Chicago Register Now

  2024-08-05 2024-08-06 Aug 5, 2024 - Aug 6, 2024 2 Days NY New York 10019 New York Register Now

  2024-09-18 2024-09-19 Sep 18, 2024 - Sep 19, 2024 2 Days GA Atlanta 30309-7705 Atlanta Register Now

  2024-10-17 2024-10-18 Oct 17, 2024 - Oct 18, 2024 2 Days CA San Francisco 94103 San Francisco Register Now

  2024-11-07 2024-11-08 Nov 7, 2024 - Nov 8, 2024 2 Days IL Chicago 60601-5927 Chicago Register Now

  2024-12-09 2024-12-10 Dec 9, 2024 - Dec 10, 2024 2 Days DC Arlington/Washington 22202-4807 Arlington/Washington Register Now

Outstanding training, amazing teacher. Course was filled with valuable tips, tools, and resources to be used in the real world. I feel like I now wear an invisible belt, loaded with the tools needed to assertively handle different situations in the workplace. Recommend this course to all women!
This class introduced many skills to apply in everyday interactions. I particularly liked the opportunities to practice during the class. Putting these skills to use will be the biggest challenge, but now I have some tools in the tool kit.
The facilitator was excellent, the content was directly applicable to my daily job and daily life, and practicing with my peers helped me feel much more comfortable with the topic.
I loved this training, instructor was clear an pleasant, knowledgeable, smart and straight to the point. I didn't feel like I was wasting my time on the contrary I was looking forward to every meeting.
There was so much information imparted that will be helpful in my career. I wish I could have taken this course 20 years ago! There was a lot to take in, but the different exercises and Desiree's teaching style made it possible to really understand the concepts and put them into practice. I recommend this seminar for men and women.