Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Thou Shalt Not Poach Competitors' Talent…or Maybe Thou Shalt!

Internal corporate recruiters are adopting more aggressive, headhunter-type strategies.

Thomas Davenport on Keeping Up with the Quants

Thomas Davenport , business analytics expert, believes that analytics are an important decision-making tool for all levels of an organization. Everyone has received credit card offers in the mail from Capital One but not everyone realizes that our response to those offers is carefully monitored. If

Thomas Harrison on How to Develop Your Leadership Instincts

Is the ability to succeed in business hardwired into our DNA? Are entrepreneurs, like racing thoroughbreds, simply born to win? Instinct , by Thomas L. Harrison, is the first book to apply the tools and insights of human genome research to the concept of success. Harrison, a corporate CEO who began

Thinking Out of the Box: The Projected Mind

Thinking out of the box can get you ahead in business and in your personal life. Larry Kilham details what exactly it means to think outside the box.

Three Myths of the Mind That Sabotage Even the Most Motivated Achievers

Our attitude toward work and the way we think and feel about certain concepts have direct results in the workplace.For one, they can affect our results. Fortunately, these thoughts can be challenged and put aside, producing better performance. The means of change is to put aside three myths.

3 Business Skills to Learn From Generation Next

Generation Next can teach us to use simulated environments, virtual spaces, text messaging, and myriad other technologies individually and in combination. Why should we master these skills? They can promote business contacts that can help our careers...

Three Elements of Persuasion: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos

Learn three critical elements to making a speecj/

Three Icebreaker Activities for Your Next Meeting

One of the first steps to holding a productive meeting is introducing participants to one another in a way that gets everyone talking. Here are three icebreaker exercises you can use to kick off your next meeting....

Three Keys to Successful Crisis Management

Here are three opportunities for successful crisis management.

Three Preliminary Questions to Consider Before Expanding into an Emerging Market

Here are three questions you should ask before considering expansion abroad.u