Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


The "Accidental" Ambassador

Intentionally or not, when an entrepreneur ventures into a foreign market he or she becomes an unofficial American ambassador. Bill Dodson, an American who lives and runs a business in China, explains that to change how Americans are perceived around the world, we first have to change our own percep

The "New Normal" for Innovation

Post recession has brought renewed interest in innovation but it is a more structured approach to creativity and product development.

The #1 Core Competency for Leaders

The best leaders know that while IQ is important to the job, EQ is essential. Sander A. Flaum explains how to increase your effectiveness by first learning how to lead yourself.

The #1 Myth about Generation Y

Generation Y's sense of loyalty to the organization is not the same as that of Generation X or the Baby Boomers.

The (Civil) War for Talent

By now, you've probably heard all about the war for talent-the workforce crisis resulting from the retirement of Baby Boomers, the scarcity of highly skilled younger workers, and so forth. But there's also a war for talent that's taking place within...

The "Decoy Effect" and Other Irrational (but Irresistible) Behaviors

In his best-selling new book <i>Predictably Irrational,</i> behavioral economist Dan Ariely examines the bizarre decisions people make at work and in life and uncovers some surprising truths about the way we think. In this interview, Ariely tells us...

The “Grow or Die” Lie

Learn these six truths about corporate growth.

The “New Normal” for Innovation

Post recession has brought renewed interest in innovation but it is a more structured approach to creativity and product development.

The 10 Top Accountability Killers

Failing to act in an accountable fashion can damage your reputation, your relationships, and your career opportunities.

The 10% Push

As a project manager, engineer, or key team member, we all know too well to win work in this competitive environment, your proposal must fly above the crowd.