Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


The Seven Rules That Lead to Great Ideas

Ask the right question and you're already halfway to the right answer. Here are seven tips that will help you bring your problem into sharp focus....

The Skills Humans Need to Stay Relevant In The Smart Machine Age

In the coming decades, the smart machine age will transform organizations through artificial intelligence and other technologies. As a variety of jobs are automated, the disruption will equal that of the Industrial Revolution, according to Edward Hess, professor and Batten Executive-in-Residence at

Three Steps to Unleashing Your Creativity

Three habits that will help increase creativity, from the authors of "Every Leader is an Artist."

Lead By Example: Change Yourself First

For change to be effective and lasting, those who lead change must first change themselves.

Triumphing Over Crisis: It All Depends on Your Perspective

Robert Wilson shares the stories of two men, a restaurateur (Colonel Sanders) and a janitor (Albert Edward Foreman), who both became wildly successful, despite-or perhaps because of-potential worst-case scenarios....

True Innovators Learn to Embrace the Unexpected

Peter Drucker, the father of modern management, believed that the unexpected provides the richest source of opportunity for innovation.

Using Vision to Drive Massive Change

To succeed, really big ideas require a shift in mindset.

Want to Innovate? Create a Problem

Henry Ford did it. Jack Welch did it. It turns out that the great secret to innovation is a leader who understands the value of creating problems and then empowering people to solve them. No CEO should spend more than 10% of his or her time...

Wanted (Badly): Job Creators

Leaders can help create new jobs by creating a supportive environment for innovation and entrepreneurism.

Wayne Rogers: From M*A*S*H to Mogul

TV's Wayne Rogers discusses his successful 40-year career as a financial manager and investor.