Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


The Customer-Focused Organization

The Customer-Focused Organization: How alignment, advocacy, data, and technology drive high-performance

The Five Convergence Behaviors

Learn five ways to transform business at the intersection of marketing and technology

The Future of Advice

Technology makes it possible to share information instantaneously, whether across town or across the globe. But The Conference Board's Michael Schrage points out that "while good advice is surely good information, good information is not necessarily...

The Googlification of Innovation

Fueled by a seemingly endless supply of innovations, Google's growth has been nothing short of phenomenal. Here's a look at the engines that drive the company's innovation machine....

The Ins and Outs of Innovation

Is strengthening a firm's internal capacity for innovation a key differentiator when it comes to business competition? Or is it okay-even preferable, perhaps-to seek innovation from external sources? Such is the conundrum facing today's organizations....

The Marriage of IoT and AI

The widespread collection of data is no longer an insurmountable problem. With everything from smart refrigerators to smart toothbrushes and thermostats, there has never been more information available. Instead, the problem we face at this point is creating a cohesive picture when there is data comi

The Necessity of Strangers

Today's leaders must build organizations and cultures that are more open to the world arround them.

The Organization's Fault

Today's highly skilled knowledge worker is a far cry from yesterday's factory worker. Yet many experts believe that the way work gets done hasn't yet fully evolved from the outdated vertical corporate structure of the 20th century to the more...

The Path Forward Out of the Pandemic

It is not an overstatement to say we are in the midst of the most significant workplace shift in a generation—and maybe even in history.

The Power of Counter-Intuitive Thinking

Leaders need to change the way they think if they want to break out of the pack, says Bill Byron Concevitch, author of <i>Counter-Intuitive Selling.</i>...