Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


3 Musts for Motivating Your Team: Ask, Listen, and Learn

As the workplace continues to adapt to rapidly advancing technology and a world of uncertainties, including the looming threat of coronavirus variants, even the best and brightest workers often struggle to stay motivated.

3 Steps for Better Business Goal Setting | AMA

Setting goals are an integral part of business. Follow our 3 steps in order to set effective business goals to drive effective results for your company.

4 Steps for Conducting a Painless Performance Appraisal

Nearly everyone dreads them. Performance appraisals are challenging—to both managers and their team members.

4 Steps for Conducting a Painless Performance Review

Nearly everyone dreads them. Performance appraisals are challenging—to both managers and their team members.

4 Effective Delegation Skills that Increase Productivity - AMA

Delegation is, and always has been, a key to effectively leading and managing people. It is an essential management skill, serving as the link between leading (setting the direction for your team and inspiring people) and managing (organizing, directing, and controlling work).

5 Keys to Successful Program Management

Back in the mid-1980s, I landed my first job out of college, which was to provide technical support for a NASA contractor in Washington, DC. Just about all the people I supported there had the word “Program” in their job title, whether it was Program Director, Program Manager, Program Admin Support,

5 Project Management Techniques to Avoid Project Failure

Failure is everywhere. Daily brings more headline news of some project that has had huge cost over runs, is missing key functionality, is months (sometimes years) late, or all three.

5 Steps for Managing Conflict and Improving Teamwork

As every manager knows, a cohesive and smooth-functioning team is crucial to the success of any task or project.