Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Go Teams! Firms Can't Do Without Them

Despite swings in the financial markets and ongoing changes in how the game of business is played, teamwork hasn't gone out of style. A new survey by the Institute for Corporate Productivity reveals that companies' reliance on teams-both on-site and...

Goal Setting: How Do You Score?

Your ability to set clear, realistic goals is a key indictor of whether you'll succeed in life. This self-assessment from the new book <i>Goal Setting: How to Create an Action Plan and Achieve Your Goals</i> will show you how to turn your dreams...

Goodbye Superman; Hello Team!

Sander A. Flaum has some advice for hard-driving, stressed-out senior executives: don’t try to be Superman. He predicts that the most successful leaders of the future will look to the top chiefs of the past (Jack Welch, for example) who built A+ teams to share the burden—and the glory.

Great Leaders Are Positively Infectious

A leader's tone, whether positive or negative, can spread like a virus to the rest of the team.

Great Teams: The Extraordinary Unity of U2®

Want to help your team soar to the top of the charts? Take a page from U2®'s songbook. The same principles that have kept Bono, Edge, and others rockin' for over 30 years can also work for your band of workers....

Have More Fun at Work

Cindy Lauper famously sang that "Girls Just Want to Have Fun," but it turns out that employees need some fun, too. Business professor/author Leslie Yerkes explains how a pleasurable work environment can boost both worker morale and the bottom line....

Having a Hard Time Managing Change? You're Not Alone

The ever-accelerating pace of change is one of the greatest challenges facing business today, but according to a new study by the Institute for Corporate Productivity, many companies aren't ready for it....

Harnessing the Power of Collaboration

Why collaboration is critical to an organization's survival.

Hold that Tiger! An Animal Trainer's Tips on Managing Your Team

Ever feel like your team members are getting a bit out of control? Take a deep breath and follow these tips from an exotic animal trainer-guaranteed to help you survive even the wildest workplace jungle (without the aid of a whip and chair)....

How Shape Shifter Employees Disrupt the Workplace

“Claire” seemed to be the perfect new hire. When corporate management visited your branch office during Claire’s first workweek, she surprised you and delighted the managers above you by quoting the corporate mission statement in her brief self-introduction. “You’ve hired a keeper,” your CEO said.