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Are Your Employees RIP?

RIP employees are those who have "retired in place," just waiting to retire and not contributing to the business.

Arrows in the Decision-Making Quiver

What's the best way to make a decision? Should you use your power of intuition, as Malcolm Gladwell advocates in his best-seller Blink? Or should you rely on careful reasoning and painstaking evidence, as Stanford professors Jeffrey Pfeffer and...

Assembling Your A-Team

Learn how to use a team in successful acquisitions.

Avoiding the Commitment Dip

During any change initiative, there's a point when employee focus and commitment falls off. A new survey reveals the steps high-performing leaders take to get things back on track-before it's too late....

Avoid Motivational Bankruptcy: Six Tips for Motivating Your Staff

Don't assume that experienced employees don't need your direction. To do optimal work, your team members must understand your expectations, receive appropriate training and coaching until they get it right and recognition when they do....

Banishing Boring Meetings

How to make business meetings more effective, from the author of Boring Meetings Suck.

Be As Resilient as a Rubber BAND

Here are four critical qualities of resiliency.

As Above, So Below

Employees look to their leaders to personify positive values.

Beat Those Post-Vacation Blues

Have the post-vacation blues got you down? You're not alone. <i>Performance and Profits</i> readers say that a return from vacation means a return to heightened stress and anxiety, and as we found out in examining the issue, even the Pope says that...

Ben Franklin on Customer Service

You may think you know the essential ingredients of exemplary customer service. But if you really want to please your customers, hearken back to 1749 and read what wise old Ben Franklin had to say about the subject. For starters: "You are as much...