Analytical Skills 
Improve business decisions by learning how to gather, interpret and present data.

Develop specialized skills and strategies to help you assess patterns, identify relevant questions, gain data-driven insights and effectively share analytical information with others.


Intellectual Property Licensing and Confidentiality Agreements, an Overview

Here are frequently asked questions associated with the creation of intellectual property.

Interesting Bedfellows: Why a Teaming of HR and Marketing Makes Sens

Brand can no longer be driven solely by Marketing. It demands more cross-functional collaboration. And while HR would seem a strange bedfellow to Marketing, there is much that HR can do to support internal effort to deliver the brand promise. And HR,...

Interpersonal Skills Mastery: The Stories We Tell Ourselves About Others

Our self-confidence, communication skills, and interpersonal skills at work are largely influenced by our self-talk, or the constant internal narrative we have about our experiences.

Interview with Cal Turner Jr.: Lessons from AMA Set Company’s Future

AMA Quarterly talked with Cal Turner Jr., who turned his father’s company, Dollar General Corp., into the brand it is today. Turner was the CEO of Dollar General from 1977 to 2003. He wrote a book taking a look behind the scenes called My Father’s Business: The Small-Town Values That Built Dollar Ge

Interview Red Flags and Warning Signs

Interviewers of potential employees should watch out for these 12 interview red flags.

Intro to Emotional Intelligence

A brief introduction to EI, from AMA’s seminar Successfully Managing People.

Intro to Accounting: A Little Knowledge Goes a Long Way

A few basic accounting concepts, adapted from AMA's seminar Fundamentals of Finance and Accounting for Administrative Professionals.

Introduction to Coaching

What exactly is managerial coaching? How is it different from performance management, training, or ongoing feedback? These basic guidelines, adapted from AMA’s seminar Coaching and Counseling for Outstanding Job Performance, answer these questions and much more.

Introduce Yourself to Prospective Customers via Email

Learn how to effectively use email in selling. -