"Without the training and experience that I received at OE at such a crucial time in my life, I do not think I would be the effective orator, advocate, and leader that I am today."

Alyssa G. - test
test, IL


"Had it not been for my days at OE, I might never have had the skill set, persistence, or knowledge to continue my pursuit of my dream job.”

Michael P. - test
test, IL


"The structure of the program, a combination of Classroom courses, team projects, one-on-one tutorials, mentoring, panel discussions and teamwork activities, fosters collaboration across diverse student group..."

Casey D. - test
test, IL


"Through the relationships I nurtured in OE and the skills the program helped hone, I developed the confidence I needed to succeed. OE gave me the tools to fill my tool box so I was able to capitalize on opportunities as they were presented. It expanded my views and showed me that there were more possibilities for my future that I hadn’t even contemplated.”

Katrina P. - test
test, IL

Results: 10 Testimonials found.